Replying to: pratik @pratik

@pratik got it. This is the code

​``js javascript:(function(){ const url = window.location.href; const title = document.title; const markdownLink =${title}`;

if (navigator.clipboard) { navigator.clipboard.writeText(markdownLink) .then(() => console.log("Markdown link copied to clipboard!")) .catch(error => console.error("Error copying link to clipboard: ", error)); } else { console.error("Clipboard API not supported");​ } })(); ```

​To install it, simply drag <a href="javascript:(function(){const url=window.location.href;const title=document.title;const markdownLink=[${title}](${url});if(navigator.clipboard){navigator.clipboard.writeText(markdownLink).then(()=>console.log('Markdown link copied to clipboard!')).catch(error=>console.error('Error copying markdown link to clipboard: ',error));}else{console.error('Clipboard API not supported');}})();">!Copy Markdown URL</a> to your browser's toolbar. To use it, click the bookmark to copy the current page's URL and title formatted as a Markdown link to the clipboard.

Otávio @otaviocc